10 Wrestlers Who Were Only World Champion Because Of The Brand Split

5. Jack Swagger

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Jack Swagger? No. Just... just no.

The fact that Swagger is a former World Champion is something that many often forget, and his run with the belt was indeed that: forgettable.

A fine amateur background, a big, impressive frame, and a certain sense of legitimacy saw Jack Swagger positioned as the next Kurt Angle. Unfortunately for Swagger, his run to date has mirrored Curt Hawkins more than it has Kurt Angle.

Cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase and taking the World Heavyweight Championship from Chris Jericho, Swagger went on to have a reign that barely anyone even remembers. In a further statement of how well his run with the gold went, it was only shortly after losing the belt that Swagger spent most of his time beating up a feathered mascot.

Jack Swagger is extremely lucky to have gotten a World Championship run with two brands. With just one brand, there's more chance of Zeb Colter shaving off his moustache than there is that Swagger would've become a World Champ.

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Senior Writer

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