10 Wrestlers Who Were Pissed As Soon As They Got Backstage

6. Kevin Nash Slaps Samoa Joe

Kevin Nash Samoa Joe

Say what you like about Vince Russo (everybody else does), but if a man is able to swell his reputation sufficiently enough so that not a single shocking thing can happen on his watch, without those involved thinking he's had a hand in it, you've just got to applaud.

For a wrestler to hear something so deeply wounding and personally upsetting, and just automatically assume their boss must have had a hand in it, is quite the legacy.

In 2007, with TNA producers desperately trying to cover for the fact that an increasingly troubled Scott Hall had just no-showed a live event, the best solution they could devise was to simply hand Samoa Joe both a microphone and instruct him to "get him". Which, of course, he did, calling him a punk, slating his work ethic, and closing with a classic "kiss my ass".

This would probably have been a solid solution, had Kevin Nash - at the time the only man who really knew the full extent of Hall's problems and the personal hell he was going through - not been stood in the ring with him at the time. When he got backstage, he let loose.

"Was what you said out there, was it yours or was it f*****g Russo’s?", Nash immediately demanded to know. "He said, ‘It was mine.’ So I smacked him in the face. I said, ‘Don’t disrespect me, don’t disrespect Scott.’ Joe f*****g got up, I thought he was gonna come at me so I smacked him in the f*****g head again and he f*****g didn’t do anything.”
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