10 Wrestlers Who Were Punished For Obeying Orders

8. Sting - Being A WCW Guy Leads To A Debut Stutter

Triple H

Say what you want about the Monday night rivalry that engulfed much of the wrestling landscape in the mid-to-late 90's, but the reality is that many of the stars signed to the warring companies were simply following the orders of the guys pulling the strings behind the scenes.

But, that still didn't stop Vinnie Mac from embarrassing and punishing many a former WCW talent for their part in the war once they finally arrived on his shores. Perhaps the most notable instance of this childish hammering of nails in a long since buried coffin came in the form of a certain Icon's treatment back in 2015.

After finally showing up on WWE TV for the very first time, Stinger was thrown into a mouth-watering showcase programme with the boss' son-in-law heading into 'Mania 31. Yet, instead of giving the clear crowd favourite and debuting star a win on the Grandest Stage, Sting was bested by The Game and WWE once again won a battle against their old sparring partners.

It's just a shame nobody else in the stadium give a toss about said symbolic victory that pretty much killed Sting's WWE run on night one.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...