10 Wrestlers Who WILL Retire In 2023

1. CM Punk

John Cena WWE 2022

CM Punk may be done with wrestling after the drama that came from 'Brawl Out,' which would be a huge shame given how tremendous his year-long run in AEW was. The last time he retired from wrestling in 2014 fans were clamoring for the Chicago native to return for over seven years, which makes his short comeback run feel even crueler.

Supporters of Punk will be hoping that even if the 'Straight Edge Superstar' doesn't return to AEW he will pop up in WWE for one last run. However, the lightning rod of controversy that is Phil Brooks has burned a lot of bridges in both companies, which makes a return to either highly unlikely at this point.

Wrestling is undoubtedly better with CM Punk involved, even if it is at the expense of the greater health of the workplace he finds himself in. It would be a shame for the 'Cult of Personality' to not get to end his career on his own terms, but retirement is certainly looking like the most pragmatic outcome to the position he has landed in.

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