10 Wrestlers Who Worked In WCPW Before Joining WWE

7. Joseph Conners

Joe Hendry Vs Joseph Conners True Legacy
Joe Hendry vs Joseph Conners (True Legacy)

Look back on WCPW's most memorable characters and the name Joseph Conners will surely crop up. Conners run as WCPW Champion was stacked full of big moments, and it also allowed the man to come out of his shell as something of a promo expert. Who will forget watching him clutch the title like it was his 'precious'? That was great stuff.

When he wasn't acting like Gollum from Lord Of The Rings and getting all possessive, Conners was having the matches of his life against Drew Galloway, Martin Kirby, and Cody Rhodes. There can be no doubts his time as Champ brought Conners talents to a bigger stage and put him on WWE's radar for January's UK Title tournament.

Although he was signed to a contract by WWE as part of the UK roster, Joseph surprised everybody by returning to WCPW to compete in the Pro Wrestling World Cup. After being knocked out by Kushida at the semi final stage, Conners once again departed, but who knows when he might show up again?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.