10 Wrestlers Whose Careers Ended Suddenly

3. Bret Hart

€œThe Hitman€ was one of the most decorated and respected athletes in the history of professional wrestling. After spending nearly his entire career with the World Wrestling Federation, he made the jump to WCW following the Montreal Screwjob in 1997. While with the Ted Turner-owned organization, Hart floundered due to the company€™s unclear creative direction and internal politics. By 1999, however, Bret had managed to capture the coveted World Heavyweight Championship. At that year€™s Starrcade, €œThe Hitman€ defended his title against Bill Goldberg. Very early in the contest, as Bret charged toward Goldberg, he was hit with a stiff sidekick. The strike legitimately connected with Bret€™s head, causing it to violently whiplash. Despite the powerful kick, the match continued on. However, it was later determined that Hart suffered a severe concussion. He went on to inflict more damage to himself by continuing to compete through the match and in subsequent weeks. The original kick from Goldberg was so powerful that it had actually created a small hole in Bret€™s neck. Ultimately, Bret€™s concussions would force him to retire from active competition, and he was subsequently released from his contract with World Championship Wrestling in 2000. In the years following, Hart€™s health worsened after he suffered a debilitating stroke. €œThe Hitman€ was able to make a strong recovery, and even returned to the WWE in December of 2009. Unfortunately, Bret€™s in-ring career came to end following his neck injury and later stroke.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.