10 Wrestlers Whose Stock Has Risen The Most Since WWE WrestleMania 37

7. Sami Zayn

Kevin Owens Logan Paul Steve Austin

Thank f*ck for Sami Zayn. Without him, the Intercontinental Title would still be on Shinsuke Nakamura and rarely seen on WWE television (if at all); Shin's six-month reign was torturous, and acts as a reminder of how willing WWE are to forget about things hardcore fans covet when they can't be arsed with them.

That title is better off on Sami.

Creative recognise the value of his cowardly conspiracy theorist gimmick, and they can rely on Zayn to make the best of flimsy material during promos. Also, in WWE's bizarro world, a possible match vs. Jackass man Johnny Knoxville is a featured/important spot on a show like WrestleMania.

It shows some trust in the full-timer, and that's a good thing for Sami. Truthfully, his bout against old pal Kevin Owens was rather nondescript and dull last year. That was true even with some celeb rub from Logan Paul. Fast forward 12 months and Zayn will roll into 'Mania 38 with gold and a rival with mainstream appeal.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.