10 Wrestlers With Finishing Moves That Were Illegal

3. Goldust - Shattered Dreams

Goldust Ken Shamrock

Back to the wicked world of below the belt offence now. But the fact this finisher's blatant execution in the middle of a bout often resulted in an instant DQ loss still couldn't stop one of the most charismatic forces in WWE history from shattering his fair share of dreams over the years.

Going out of his way to make an example out of his rather exposed opponents, the eye-catching Goldust would unleash a truly inhumane b*llock blast as his rival was tied up in the corner of the ring. And while this was as acceptable as a chair shot to the head during a hardcore contest going down in WWE's Attitude Era, when it came to the more traditional one-on-one encounters occupying the likes of Raw is War... not so much.

And while you could technically justify this no-doubt-winding shot as little more than a boot to the turnbuckle that unfortunately led to a ball bashing, the fact Dustin Rhodes would usually wait for the ref's attention to be diverted elsewhere before catching an adversary with his Shattered Dream kick tells the story of a move that was about as provocative as it gets.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...