10 Wrestlers With The Most WWE RAW Matches Ever

6. Big Show - 328 Matches

Chris Jericho 420 Matches

A man who has had almost as many heel/face turns as he had matches, Big Show sits in sixth place with 328 matches on Monday Night Raw.

Show is the superstar on this list who most recently wrestled on the red brand; challenging Drew McIntyre for his recently captured WWE Championship only twenty minutes or so after he won it from Brock Lesnar. Granted it technically took place at WrestleMania but they aired it on Raw so I'll allow it.

Claiming the #1 spot for most SmackDown matches ahead of Kane, Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle with 313, Big Show first wrestled on Raw over 21 years ago against The Rock. He is a true legend of this industry and can always be relied upon if WWE needs a big guy to put over their latest pet project. Expect to see him in the not-too-distant future once this current global situation blows over as a returning...babyface?!


Lanky, specky, ginger bloke who loves all things wrestling, football and quiz related. The man who invented the #BloodyGoodQuiz.