10 Wrestlers WWE Should Sign When TNA Folds

9. Eric Young

One of the most versatile characters in wrestling, Eric Young has covered such a wide range of gimmicks in his time in TNA, it's hard to keep track. He's portrayed a Canadian ultra-patriot, a comedy superhero, a serious heel, and a valiant underdog champion. Considering the amount of time Young has been around, he's still relatively young (35) and wrestles a versatile style of slams, strikes and occasional high-flying manoeuvres. His finisher - a spike piledriver - would have to be replaced, but every other part of Eric's game would transfer easily to the WWE. Perfect WWE Opponent: Young's versatility means he could work well with just about everyone on the roster. To get over as a resilient babyface, his best opponent would probably be a Sheamus type.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.