10 Wrestlers WWE Should Sign When TNA Folds

6. Beer Money

Bobby Roode and James Storm's best days may be slightly behind them, the pair are still more than acceptable in the ring. The main asset they would offer the WWE, however, would be in terms of personality. Both have a natural charisma and would stand out as something of a gritty throwback in the ultra-sleek modern era. Whether brought in as a team or rivals, Storm and Roode would have no problem getting over with the WWE audience. The pair possess a natural "cool" edge and look like legitimate ass-kickers, comparable to a more technically sound version of the Acolytes. Perfect WWE Opponents: Beer Money can put on a good match with almost anyone, but share the best chemistry with each other. Their ideal opponents would eventually be each other, but a high-impact clash with The New Day would suffice at first.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.