10 Wrestlers You Didn't Know Were Bodybuilders

9. David Otunga

David Otunga

In an interview with Bodybuilding.com, David Otunga said he was "short, chubby and wore thick glasses" as a kid. Through endless hours in the gym and supreme dedication, he changed his life forever and crafted a body to be proud of. Bodybuilding to David, according to the interview, was more about personal happiness than competitiveness.

It all started with one compliment.

After doing some push-ups and bicep curls at home, David wasn't really seeing much of a difference. Then, at the mall, a female classmate from school grabbed his arm and noticed he was getting muscular. That single line motivated Otunga to do as much as he could, and he started to take training more seriously.

Despite his sculpted frame, Otunga hasn't had as much success as he'd like in wrestling. These days, he's more of a pre-show analyst and occasional commentator than in-ring worker. Still, at 38, he has a body most men could only dream of.

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Alexa Bliss
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.