10 Wrestlers You Totally Forgot Worked For AEW
9. Diamond Dallas Page
Diamond Dallas Page first appeared on AEW programming when, on October 23, he joined Cody Rhodes to instigate a wild concession stand brawl to advance his programme with Chris Jericho.
He also furthered Cody's feud with MJF in a neat, indirect way at Bash At The Beach, which just preceded the more memorable period of February 2020 - considered by some fans the absolute zenith of the promotion. AEW peaks higher now, but that era was top-to-bottom fantastic with none of the tropes that can sometimes drag Dynamite into uneven territory.
It was a resourceful use of the pro wrestling legend. MJF had recruited the Butcher and the Blade as mercenaries to beat Cody down, and his associates - DDP, brother Dustin and the endearing jobber who had won his respect, QT Marshall - teamed up to take the heel trio down. They didn't - MJF was protected, as he should have been - but the match was laid out to allow DDP a pop with an out-of-character, incredulous dive. It's an easy shortcut to a reaction, but that didn't detract from its impressive charm.
Even in a fun midcard match, Tony Khan developed his sprawling narrative approach with which he avoids running back big matches and preserves the must-see vibe on pay-per-view.