10 Wrestlers You Won't Believe Got The Better Of Vince McMahon
8. CM Punk
WWE only signed CM Punk because they heard the buzz he generated from a distance.
When he worked a Sunday Night Heat tryout match, a double-sourced account (Court Bauer, Alex Greenfield) claimed that Triple H and Shawn Michaels tore his work to shreds in front of Vince McMahon. His ECW call-up was a miracle; Paul Heyman petitioned ceaselessly for it, and Vince's customary response to "This guy is really, really great and will make you a sh*t-tonne of money" is "F*ck off".
Skinny and tattooed with a fierce sense of self-worth that was often interpreted as arrogance, Punk was perceived internally as a jumped-up shindie-riffic sh*t disturber.
Punk himself didn't substantiate the hype. He was not undeniable; a lengthy series with John Morrison underwhelmed beyond the cracking blow-off. He was still over enough to earn an experimental World Heavyweight Title run in 2008, but he pissed off the Undertaker a year after he wasn't deemed necessary to even do the job.
But he got over as a super-worker of a heel capable of generating real, elusive heat. A star in himself, he shone brighter within the drab dreck of the John Laurinaitis era, and was so undeniable in 2011 that he wished death upon Vince, who strapped him up in response.