10 Wrestlers You'll Never See In WWE

5. Will Ospreay

Will Ospreay AEW

Easily sitting as one of the most eye-catching talents currently setting the wrestling world on fire, it's still remarkable to note that Will Ospreay has yet to ever sign a deal with one of the more notable western wrestling organisations in the game.

It isn't for lack of trying on WWE's side, however.

On top of admitting that he was once contacted by the company in regards to potentially joining up with the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet but turned down the chance due to being happy with his life in Japan as part of NJPW, the loud-mouth Brit would also recently note to Wres Things Podcast:

“I have no aspirations of going to WWE, at all. It’s not because of the product or anything, I’m not a fan of it, I will happily say, but my lifestyle, I never wanted to be the big star pro wrestler."

And with Ospreay now being able to have his cake and eat it too with AEW's NJPW partnership giving him the chance to perform on a high-profile U.S. stage, it looks like any hopes WWE had of one day luring him into the world of Sports Entertainment appear to have been emphatically extinguished.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...