10 Wrestling Angles That'll Make You Puke

3. The Boogeyman's Constant Worm Consumption

For a lot of people, there are few things more disgusting than worms. As children, a lot of folks experienced the horror of having one thrown at them by a friend, or watched in horror as a kid in school decided to eat one for a dare. Obviously, this is highly cruel, something which can also be said of WWE's The Boogeyman character. During pretty much every appearance the man made, Boogeyman would devour live worms on television. At first, people weren't entirely sure whether or not the animals were alive, or even real. As Marty Wright, the man behind the persona, would later divulge, they most certainly were. He even crudely remarked that the worms provided great nutrition. That's too much for some wrestling fans, who would gag at the sight of The Boogeyman eagerly stuffing the worms into his mouth. He wasn't the only one to have them in his face either, because it was a favoured tactic of the character to attack his rivals with the worms.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.