10 Wrestling Chants That Changed Everything

1. "Whooooooo!"

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There are many chants that are inextricably linked with professional wrestling, but none has reached deeper than "Whooooo!" It's Ric Flair's signature call of triumph, and it's a part of every fan's vocabulary.

Flair, who took the call from Jerry Lee Lewis's "Great Balls of Fire," threw it into promos liberally, and it never got old. He would also yell "Whooooo!" while in control of matches, and fans would shout it back at him.

Before long, "Whoooo!" infiltrated nearly every match. Knife-edge chops were a staple of Flair's arsenal, and whenever someone would use one, arenas of fans would shout "Whooooo!" That trend continues to this day - it's possibly many younger fans aren't even sure why they yell "Whooooo!" when a wrestler throws a chop, but they do it all the same.

It's more than just the chops, though - "Whooooo!" is a deep part of every wrestling fan's vernacular. Don't believe me? Go to a live show. It's a guarantee that the fans waiting to enter will be "Whoooo!"-ing in anticipation, and when they're leaving, they'll be doing it out of celebration.

"Whoooo!" was the quintessential wrestling catchphrase, and it's turned into the ultimate act of audience participation. It's simple and direct, yet exciting and memorable - just like pro wrestling at its best.

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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013