10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 15)

1. The Miz Once Had To Use The Same Bathroom As Fans

The Miz

Long before he was one of WWE's best promo talents and a made man in the company, The Miz was kicked out of locker rooms and forced to dress in hallways. That's common knowledge. What isn't is the fact he also once had to share a bathroom with WWE fans too.

Shortly after telling Busted Open Radio that he didn't think he'd ever be viewed as a locker room leader in WWE, Miz told a hilariously embarrassing story about the time he was unable to find a bathroom backstage. Nature was calling, so Miz had to literally go out into the stands and use the same restroom as everyone who had bought a ticket.

That had to be humiliating.

Miz recalls little kids pointing at him. They knew who he was, and that only made the situation even more mortifying. Here was a WWE superstar taking a whizz in the same urinals as the punters who had paid to see him work.

What other big wrestling facts did you learn this week? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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The Miz
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.