10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 22)

2. WWE Writers Aren't Allowed To Eat With Their Hands

vince mcmahon eating chocs

Way back in days of yore (around three years, to be precise), this very article came packed with a story about Vince McMahon's love of eating Oreo cookies by the truckload. That's not the only eating habit Vinnie Mac has. Just ask ex-WWE writing assistant Jason Allen.

Speaking about his experiences on The Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast, Allen said creative team members were specifically instructed not to eat with their hands during meetings in front of McMahon. Yes, really, and WWE even had explicit instructions for munching from the candy bowl on tables.

Here's how it worked: anyone looking to take sweets from the bowl had to pour them onto their "non-bowl hand" and eat with that hand. In other words, the hand that touched the bowl in question couldn't go near their mouths at any point.

This is something Allen says he was approached about when he started with the company. Apparently, hygiene is a hot topic for Vinnie Mac.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.