10 Wrestling Facts We Didn’t Know Last Week (July 19)

5. Baron Corbin Was "Ostracised" In NXT

Baron Corbin NXT

In another interview with the Tampa Bay Times post-Extreme Rules, Seth Rollins had more to say. This time, he spoke highly of Baron Corbin and said the heel has worked his balls off to get to this stage in his career. It's almost like Seth is trolling wrestling's 'smart' fans at this point. Again, boiling blood and gnashing teeth are within earshot.

That's not all.

Rollins also told how he personally overlooked Corbin when he first arrived in NXT because of Baron's football background and limited knowledge of the wrestling business. Seth wasn't the only one who did this either. Back when he first walked through the doors of WWE, Corbin was "ostracised" by all and sundry for daring to be an outsider.

He was hazed badly by the locker room, but didn't give in and eventually worked hard enough to earn everyone's respect. There's a touch of The Miz's tale about all this, albeit with different personality. Rollins didn't say that Baron was brash or outspoken, only that he was he guilty of coming into wrestling blind.

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