10 Wrestling Facts We Didn’t Know Last Week (May 24)

9. Val Venis Trained Robert Roode In His Dad's House

Robert Roode

Fan eyebrows were raised when the re-dubbed Robert Roode showed up on Raw with a killer porno tache and started acting like the second coming of Rick Rude. This is the latest attempt to get Roode over as a singles star, but it seems he'll find a home in the more comedic 24/7 Title hunt in the short-term.

That means Robert could be winning and defending titles anywhere, including his dad's house. Or, he could go back in time and do some wrasslin' in Val Venis' dad's house.

In an interview with The Hannibal TV, Venis talked about how he plucked Roode from obscurity when working as a doorman at a Peterborough, Ontario bar called 'The Purple Rooster'. Impressed by the rookie's drive, Venis agreed to train him so Roode could do some security work on a handful of local shows he was promoting.

So, as you do, Val set up a ring in his father's home to teach Roode how to bump. Impressively enough, Roode picked up the basics quicker than any other youngster Venis had ever worked with.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.