10 Wrestling Facts We Didn’t Know Last Week (Oct 19)

2. Indy Promoters Threatened To Stop Booking The Hardyz

The Hardy Boyz Young

No, that is not Matt and Nick Jackson of The Young Bucks fame. It's Matt and Jeff Hardy before they started dressing in a grungier style towards the end of the 90s. A few years before that, both were enhancement talents, and they worked countless dark matches as a basic high-flying brother tag-team who borrowed heavily from The Rockers.

It was a paid gig for the siblings, one that independent promoters hated.

On The Jim Ross Report, Matt remembered threats from those indy promoters to stop booking the team if they didn't stop losing on WWE TV. As ridiculous as it sounds, those regional companies believed The Hardyz were hurting their marketability elsewhere by continuing to stare at the lights before Raw and on WWE's syndicated shows.

Ignoring the pressure was hard for Matt and Jeff, but they somehow knew it'd pay off in the end. All they wanted was a shot to prove themselves at a top level, so they dismissed suggestions from indy feds that they stop jobbing.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.