10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week

4. Vince McMahon Hated 'Goldberg' Chants Aimed At Ryback

To this day, Ryback is still met with occasional taunts from fans about his physical similarity to Bill Goldberg. Admittedly, the 'Goldberg' chants have died down sufficiently as time has rolled on. Even when they were most prevalent, Ryback claims he was never affected, because he knew he could change the minds of people who felt he was little more than a rip-off of the former WCW star. If Ryback wasn't phased, Vince McMahon certainly was. According to the former Intercontinental Champion himself, McMahon was furious any time audiences chanted Goldberg's name. WWE surely must have known the comparisons would be made. From the off, Ryback was put on a winning streak that seemed to ape what Goldberg had achieved in WCW. On episodes of Smackdown that Ryback wrestled on, Vince encouraged production staff to remove the chants from the taped broadcast as best they could. It's fascinating to learn that McMahon was so bugged by the idea of fans taunting his new star, because the idea of Goldberg returning to face Ryback has been discussed heavily by wrestling fans.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.