10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (25 Oct)

9. What Jake Hager Thinks Of WWE's Roster

Jake Hager
Scott Lesh Photography/AEW

Only time will tell if Jake Hager's AEW run is a success. It's far too early to judge his work as heavy for Chris Jericho's 'Inner Circle' just yet. Though that's true, the man once known for hanging around with Dutch Mantell and pushing thinly-veiled xenophobia on TV is far happier outside the WWE bubble than he was inside it.

He feels for his pals too.

During an interview with Sports Illustrated, the Bellator bad ass said he sees a lot of himself in workers like Cesaro and Bobby Lashley when he tunes in for a few minutes of WWE programming to see what they're up to. There's a familiar lost look in their eyes, and Jake believes they'd be better off ridding themselves of any "brass ring" chat.

The WWE comfort zone is cosy however; Hager realises that, but he's keen to avoid ever reliving the "cloud of doom" hanging over him towards the end of his run there. Could this be a welcome mat for Cesaro and Lashley in AEW? Seems like it.

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