10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 2)

5. JBL Told The Million Dollar Man He Stole His Gimmick

JBL Podium

The cash-rich cowboy character JBL played from 2004 onwards successfully mixed elements of Ted DiBiase's 'Million Dollar Man' gimmick and the J.R Ewing character from TV soap Dallas. JBL didn't try to hide his influences; Layfield bragged about how much money he had on screen and tried to use that financial power to corrupt others.

When DiBiase was visiting WWE backstage a few years ago, Layfield couldn't resist telling his hero that he had ripped off his famous gimmick. DiBiase told WrestleZone Radio he took it well when JBL then joked he did it better and even complimented Layfield on his work.

Hilariously, he then grabbed Alberto Del Rio for a quick snap of the trio and titled it, "Three Generations Of The Same Gimmick". At least DiBiase has a sense of humour. He'd been gone from WWE television for almost a decade by the time JBL debuted anyway, so it's not as though JBL was piggy-backing on a current character.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.