10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Jan 13)

4. Ryback Viewed John Cena As A Poison In WWE

John Cena

Departing WWE in August, Ryback has been largely outspoken about the organisation via his own podcast platform ever since. The latest rant came at the expense of John Cena, a man Ryback claims he has always viewed with skepticism.

Speaking on his own Conversations With The Big Guy show, the former WWE Intercontinental Champion laid into Cena and said he was the sole reason why Alex Riley was canned by the promotion. Going into greater detail, Ryback then said that Cena was "poison" and has harmed the careers of more young wrestlers than he has helped over the years.

It'd be easy to take such words as little more than those of a bitter ex-employee firing off shots at one of WWE's biggest names. Ryback isn't exactly shy about saying what's on his mind though, and this comes across as another example of that.

In particular, the word poison is strong. Ryback did work extensively with Cena in WWE, although it seems he was never truly comfortable with how John did business or conducted himself backstage.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.