10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Jan 19)

8. Mick Foley Won't Be At Raw 25 For Storyline Reasons

Mick Foley Stephanie McMahon

The Wrestling Observer are reporting that Mick Foley has taken himself out of the frame for WWE's historic Raw 25 celebrations on Monday. Mick feels that it'd be silly to come back and act happy less than a year after he was fired on screen by Stephanie McMahon as Raw's General Manager.

If Foley is willing to turn down a surefire payday in order to honour the angle, then it just shows his old-school mentality. Mick himself previously wrote on Facebook that he didn't enjoy showing up to last year's Hall Of Fame ceremony just a few weeks after being canned as GM.

It looks like he's not willing to make the same mistake twice.

This does beg the question when Foley will make a WWE return though. 10 months is a long time in the company, and it's not as though fans would begrudge Mick the chance to celebrate being part of Raw's history over the past 20 years.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.