10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Jan 3)

6. Ahmed Johnson Got Heat From Friends For His IC Title Comments

ahmed johnson michael hayes

Whilst Ahmed Johnson is proud of becoming the first ever African-American Intercontinental Champion in WWE history, he's never been particularly keen on saying that publicly. Some might be surprised by that, and by what Ahmed had to say about his IC Title glory on Robbie E's 'Why It Ended' podcast.

It's often forgotten that Johnson cut a promo post-match thanking everybody from all backgrounds for supporting him. He said he won the title for anyone who thought they could never succeed, and he didn't do it for a specific race.

Those comments got him serious heat from friends who thought he should be standing up for his colour.

It's heartening to learn that Ahmed knocked back their anger and didn't view himself as a flag-bearer for one specific demographic. Instead, he thought he could inspire others from all walks of life who had been ground down by their surroundings, upbringing or sh*tty circumstances.

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