10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (July 12)

9. Becky Lynch Doesn't Watch Any Of Her Matches

Becky Lynch Lacey Evans

Attend pretty much any (decent) pro wrestling school, and coaches there will tell you to watch tape. Then, they'll probably tell you to watch tape some more. After that, you guessed it, more tape. Tape, tape, tape, tape, tape, followed by dinner then more watching tapes. Research is king when it comes to improving as a worker.

Unless you're called Becky Lynch and it's your own matches.

On FOX Sport 1's Fair Game, 'The Man' revealed she can't actually stand looking back on her WWE matches. She refuses to watch them, because she'd rather live in the moment and feel the live crowd next time she wrestles. Although that does make sense, it'd be surprising to learn that Bex hasn't watched her WrestleMania 35 main event back.

She didn't explicitly say that, but did say she doesn't revisit any of her bouts. Lynch isn't one to dwell on past triumphs or failures, so she skips tape watching sessions. When you reach the level she has, maybe that's forgiveable.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.