10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (July 27)

7. Haku Was Afraid Of Wrestling's Other Tough Guys

haku 2001

When someone has a reputation for biting a man's nose off just to protect the wrestling business, you don't expect to hear them admit they're afraid of anything. Haku has become akin to the boogie man in fan circles, and stories of his wild, violent antics have become stuff of legend.

One thing nobody has stopped to ask Haku over the years is just how he feels about other tough guys like The Road Warriors, Harley Race or The Steiner Brothers. On the Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling show, wrestling's most iconic hard man admitted he was afraid of those names, and he always has been.

Stop the press, because this is huge.

Haku modestly claimed he always viewed Race, The Steiners and both Hawk and Animal as the toughest men he knew. To him, they were the real hard nuts, and they weren't people he'd want to get into a fight with. When Haku says he wouldn't like to throw hands with you, you're basically a total bad ass.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.