10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 21)

8. The Miz & Maryse Turned Down A Reality Show Five Years Ago

The Miz Maryse

In the same interview with Fatherly, The Miz revealed something else.

It turns out that chiefs at the USA Network have been chasing him for quite some time, and WWE were similarly keen to promote a reality TV show starring Miz and his wife Maryse. They first heard about this in 2014, but neither felt the timing was right; back then, Miz wasn't quite the made man he is now.

He'd just gone through a dire babyface run and was struggling to rekindle his mojo as a heel. So, Miz and Maryse agreed it wouldn't be a great idea to split his time between WWE and reality television. To USA and WWE's chagrin, the couple turned down the chance to produce their own show because Miz wanted to focus on wrestling.

The subject was raised several times over the next five years until both eventually caved and thought highlighting their new journey as parents would make for a fun angle. USA finally got their wish and WWE capitalised on Miz's prior life as a reality TV star into the bargain.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.