10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 4)

How does Goldberg feel about his WWE career?

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Pushed out of the WWE system in 2014, JTG has only wrestled a handful of times on the independent circuit ever since. In the time following that release from the company, the former Cryme Tyme member has also written a duo of books reflecting on his time in pro wrestling, mainly focusing on how others can learn from his experiences.

Hired in his early-20's, JTG felt like he'd only experience more and more success as the years rolled on. That's something he discussed during a recent interview with Jim Ross on the much-loved announcer's popular podcast. Adding to that tale, JTG also opened up to reveal some incredible insight into his relationship with Vince McMahon behind the scenes.

Joining JTG's eye-opening admissions are facts related to the likes of Bill Goldberg, Sasha Banks and also the almost-forgotten former Raw General Manager, Brad Maddox. There's even a hilarious story regarding Darren Young's time teaming with Titus O'Neil as The Prime Time Players that you won't want to miss.

Let's look at some pro wrestling facts we didn't know about last week...

10. Enzo Amore's Payback Concussion Occurred When His Head Hit The Mat

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Who knows what the outcome may have been at Payback had Enzo Amore not suffered a concussion. There's a fair chance he and Big Cass would have become the top challengers for the WWE Tag-Team Titles, but it was not to be. Enzo's injury cut the match drastically short, and The Vaudevillains were named default winners.

During WWE's own replays of the incident, Amore's eyes noticeably rolled into the back of his head as he fell from the ring. Colliding hard with the ropes, the tag-team specialist looked like he'd been knocked senseless. Afterwards, castigating fingers were pointed at Simon Gotch for being reckless.

Speaking to Jonathan Coachman and ESPN, the recently-returned Enzo stated that it wasn't the ropes that caused the problem. Indeed, he smacked the back of his head violently on the ring canvas before tumbling out of the ring, and that was the bump responsible for the concussion.

The ropes probably didn't help, but they weren't the main problem, as suspected by many fans on social media at the time of the incident.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.