10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (March 31)

2. Charlotte Was Tempted To Break Kayfabe Completely Due To Her Dad

ric flair charlotte flair

Shedding any doubts raised by some on social media about an onscreen alliance with her infamous father, the heel mannerisms of Charlotte Flair were taken to a new level when she disrespectfully ordered Ric to leave the ring and get out of her life completely on the May 23, 2016 episode of Monday Night Raw.

On Twitter afterwards there was a lot of fire; fans lambasted Charlotte for her performance during the segment, which was actually a compliment because those people were effectively fooled by the female's convincing heel work and Ric's crocodile tears.

Charlotte told Sporting News this week that she couldn't take the negativity as a compliment. It was too close to home.

Sifting through comments that brought tears to her own eyes, the then-Raw Women's Champion considered breaking kayfabe and posting on social media to remind some that the story was a work; eventually, Charlotte thought better of the idea, because it surely would have backfired on her backstage.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.