10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Nov 20)

10. Undertaker Was Only Guy HBK Worried About Post 'Montreal Screwjob'

Shawn Michaels was a difficult guy to get along with in the 1990's. His ego running wild, the 'Heart Break Kid' was an acquired taste, something the man has admitted in the years since. Often acting like a spoiled child, Michaels didn't see eye-to-eye with Bret Hart. Their behind the scenes rivalry played out in front of the cameras, culminating at Survivor Series 1997. There, the infamous 'Montreal Screwjob' occurred. This led to Bret leaving the company with a bad taste in his mouth. For years, Shawn claimed that he didn't have anything to do with the incident, until admitting that he and Vince McMahon had conspired to take the WWF Heavyweight Title from around Bret's waist. After that particular match on November 9, '97, Michaels was looking over his shoulder, but only for one man. Not particularly caring what anyone else thought about what had happened, Michaels nonetheless was eager to know if The Undertaker was cool with it. After all, 'Taker was - even then - a senior leader in the WWF locker room. Angering him was not advisable. Shawn Michaels this week (on the Legends With JBL specials) revealed that he asked McMahon to determine whether or not Undertaker was angry at him.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.