10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Oct 27)

7. Being Commissioner Was Mick Foley's Favourite WWE Role

Commissioner Foley

During a recent Reddit AMA, Mick Foley revealed that he'd love to write storylines for Becky Lynch and wishes he could have worked as Cactus Jack and Mankind against Kevin Owens and Bray Wyatt respectively. Then, the Mickster told how being Commissioner in the year 2000 was actually his favourite WWE role ever.

That's right, even though he had won World Titles, headlined WrestleMania and had great success as Mankind, Dude Love and Cactus Jack, Mick dearly loved showing up late, leaving early, wearing any old shirt and saying pretty much what he wanted. That was the freedom afforded to him when Commish. WWE was a different place 17 years ago.

Mick claimed the Commissioner guise was his fave 'Face Of Foley'. All these years fans thought working intense, weapons-based matches on pay-per-view got his juices flowing, but it was actually goofing around backstage with Edge and Christian that put a smile on Mick's face.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.