10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sep 1)

1. The Miz Once Convinced Maryse To Pull Over At A "Porn Shop"

The Miz Maryse

Today, The Miz and Maryse are happily married, have a beautiful baby daughter and star in their own reality TV show. Back in 2006, they were busy flirting with one another (well, Miz was trying it on, anyway) and both on the road as full-time WWE stars.

This is where things get funky.

One evening, Miz called Maryse and asked her to pull over somewhere nearby. It was 2AM, and Miz suggested the parking lot of a "porn shop". You're laughing, but it's true. Maryse was as confused as anyone would be, even more so when she learned there was method to Miz's madness.

He wanted to make sure that Maryse didn't only see him as a friend. Like a true master of exiting the dreaded friend zone, Miz told Yahoo Lifestyle how he picked the spot on purpose because he knew it'd be a good conversation starter and break down any semi-awkward language barriers between he and the French-speaking Diva.

What a guy. What a first date.

What other big wrestling facts did you learn this week? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.