10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sep 1)

5. Losing Her Voice Almost Killed Paige's GM Run

Paige SmackDown GM

A mere 24 hours after tearfully announcing her in-ring retirement on Raw, Paige was back in the ring on SmackDown Live and being touted as the brand's new General Manager. It was a whirlwind experience for the Brit, one she told A Music Blog, Yea? she greatly appreciated.

It almost never happened. Right up until a few hours before the show went live, Paige didn't even have a voice.

That worried WWE officials, so much so that they warned Paige her gig would be pulled if she didn't find a way to regain it. After feverishly drinking tea all day and doing everything in her power to make sure she'd be ready, Paige was relieved to hear herself talk. The GM run was back on.

There are no details on what WWE's backup plan would have been had Paige been unable to take the role. In all likelihood, they'd have continued with Shane McMahon as the Commissioner and had him become the sole authority figure on Tuesdays instead.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.