10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sept 30)

4. Aron Rex Asked Lanny Poffo For Permission Before Playing Damien Sandow

Becky Lynch

Unable to use the Damien Sandow name, the wrestler is now known as Aron Rex in Impact Wrestling. For years, a select group of fans cried out for the Sandow character to receive more attention on WWE programming. Even though he won the 2013 Money In The Bank, Sandow didn't go on to capture a World Title.

Long before then, the man's thoughts were merely about making a splash with his new gimmick. The 'Intellectual Saviour Of The Unwashed Masses' boiled down to being the same arrogant heel shtick people had witnessed for many years, although Sandow did put his all into the role.

Making his debut under the Sandow gimmick in 2012, Rex actually asked Lanny Poffo for permission before assuming the guise. Telling Interactive Wrestling Radio all about this, the current TNA star said that he realised how close Damien Sandow was to Poffo's infamous portrayal of The Genius in the late-1980's and early-1990's.

Lanny was only too happy to give Sandow his blessing, giving a thumbs up to his robe and generally snooty mannerisms. Sandow would again go back to Poffo when asked to play the 'Macho Mandow' gimmick, wanting to make the character a tribute to Randy Savage instead of a parody.

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Becky Lynch
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