10 Wrestling Interviews That Went Very Wrong
1. The Slap Heard Around The World
Even if you haven't ever seen this, you've seen this. Without question, the most famous wrestling interview of all time, that has transcended the genre and now finds its way into every televised roundup of Live TV Going Horribly Wrong. David Schultz, at the time working for the WWF, took such objection to the 'is wrestling fake' question that he slapped the hearing out of a reporter's ear.
Can you even imagine how hard you have to slap someone to render them deaf on that side? Can you even picture, in your mind, the size and severity of a human palm that can render your ear inoperable for life? I cannot, and yet Schultz is walking around with two of them.
Anyway, story goes that journalist John Stossel, hosting his 20/20 show, put what he believed was a very normal question to Schultz. Following a Kayfabe shattering interview done by his former tag partner, he wanted answers from the source and asked him how real the business actually was. Now if there's one takeaway from this article (beyond never do an interview with [REDACTED]) it's that wrestlers really, really, really hate that.
Schultz back firmly up and visibly bristling at the disrespect, promptly dropped Stossel with two slaps to the face before asking him "Is that fake?".