10 Wrestling Matches That Ended In Unbelievable Locations

8. Randy Savage Ties Up Crush (WrestleMania 10)

This was a unique Falls Count Anywhere style match that was Randy Savage's last WrestleMania appearance. He was in the babyface role against Crush, who had Mr. Fuji with him. It was officially billed as a "Falls Count Anywhere" match although it was really more of a Last Man Standing match where the winner had to pin the loser out of the ring for at least 60 seconds and then get back in the ring to win. After several near finishes, they ended up brawling all the way to the backstage area of Madison Square Garden with Savage in control. Savage threw Crush through some doors and ended up pinning him on some cement. Following the pinfall, Savage found some cable, tied up the legs of Crush, then walked back to the ring where he was declared the winner. It's one of the more bizarre match stipulations and ways of ending a match that there's ever been. That's probably why it hasn't really been done that way again. It doesn't make it good. It just makes it different.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.