10 Wrestling Matches That Were Difficult To Watch Live
9. Mike Awesome Vs. Masato Tanaka (ECW One Night Stand 2005)
Any of Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka's big ECW matches could've occupied this spot, as each one is carried by sheer recklessness and a mutual disregard for each other's wellbeing. November To Remember 1999 was probably their most memorable, action-packed scrap, but One Night Stand 2005 beats it in terms of pure brutality.
It was peppered with the usual nutty spots, and enhanced by Joey Styles' unfiltered hatred for Awesome (who'd "sold out" by trading ECW for WCW in 2000) on commentary. Mike put Tanaka through hell, and the Japanese scrapper responded with trademark fire, popping straight up from a number of huge moves throughout, though he almost certainly lost a few dozen braincells along the way.
A particularly nasty Awesome Bomb saw Masato dropped straight onto his head, with his cranium taking further damage through several unprotected chairshots. These were gut-wrenching. Not only did Tanaka absorb each blow with his skull, but, in a ghoulish tribute to their older bouts, he no-sold several, roaring at Awesome for more.
The shots are even tougher to watch today than 13 years ago, but there was nothing fun about them at the time either.