10 Wrestling Mistakes You'll Never Unsee
6. Summer Rae Wan't Supposed To Get Fandango DQ'd (WWE Main Event, 2013)
It's not too difficult to understand why a wrestler would immediately fear the wrath of former WWE Chairman in the wake of accidentally messing up a finish on Sports Entertainment programming.
But in the case of the unplanned finish to a match between Fandango and Kofi Kingston on August 28, 2013's edition of Main Event, the end results were so damn convincing that both audiences and the boss himself didn't realise things had even gone wrong at all.
That's according to Summer Rae herself, who explained during an appearance on the NotSam Wrestling podcast that getting her on-screen ally 'Dango DQ'd wasn't actually supposed to happen, with the manager originally being expected to simply brush at Kingston's leg and cause a distraction.
Instead, the ref caught Rae in the act and brought the match to a swift conclusion. But rather than being instantly scolded by the boss and fans figuring out quickly that something was up, nobody appeared to notice. In fact, Vince was said to have told all involved "I loved it! It was great!"
However, it's hard to unsee the look of absolute fear on Rae's face in the immediate aftermath of her botched ankle tap. But if the boss is happy, then keep calm and just carry on as normal, I suppose...