10 Wrestling Moments Nobody Wanted (But EVERYONE Liked)

8. Unmasked Kane

Roman Reigns Sami Zayn

Admittedly, this is a controversial pick.

Glenn Jacobs found his place as foil for The Undertaker. Kane became a household name and one of WWE's top stars following that memorable 1997 debut, but creative fancied shaking things up a bit by 2003. So, the mask came off and WWE tried on something different; they tried to re-market Kane as a brand new kind of psychopath.

Most would be forgiven for thinking losing the mask might be the death of a much-loved character. Also, being honest, the angle opposite Triple H was a tad crummy (Kane looked like he hadn't washed his face in a while more than being burned and permanently disfigured), but Jacobs embraced the change big time.

Though the mask would eventually return in 2011, Kane did experience a ton of success without it. He had a newfound viciousness, and was reborn as a horror movie psycho more than an emotionless drone. That '03 risk was one very-much worth taking.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.