10 Wrestling Moments Nobody Wanted (But EVERYONE Liked)

6. Another John Cena Babyface Run

Roman Reigns Sami Zayn

There's next-to-no-chance WWE fans would've fawned over John Cena being called "The Greatest Of All Time" and being booked as a sympathetic babyface five years ago. That would've been booed out of buildings, but 2023 saw JC return as a bonafide hero who doesn't even get booed.

Those pesky "John Cena Sucks" chants during his entrance music have disappeared as well!

Nobody thought they fancied seeing 'Super Cena' launch a comeback. Here's the beauty of his current face run though: Cena hasn't been superhuman. If anything, he's been fragile, and that twist has married with his iconic status to create one of the most wholesome periods of his entire career.

People don't want to boo Cena these days because they're genuinely pleased to see him. Someone crash-landing in 2023 from a decade ago would be totally shocked by that. Back in 2013, the thought of everyone collectively rooting for John seemed like an impossibility.

It's happening. You're living it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.