10 Wrestling Moments That Made You Mark Out

4. Jon Moxley Arrives In AEW

Okada Omega II Faint
All Elite Wrestling

In an age where nothing in wrestling is ever really a surprise anymore, and stars are never supposed to be bigger than the companies that employ them Jon Moxley reminded the world that anything is still possible.

Despite the high hopes that constantly surrounded all the rumoured returns for Dean Ambrose, he found his long awaited heel-turn on WWE's main roster an unreserved disaster. He came back jacked and rejuvenated with the crowd at this engorged back, and the company responded by handing him a cold introduction and the lamest schtick Raw had seen in quite some time.

Rather than resolve to make it work, Ambrose cut his losses and requested his release. The internet's cup, as it tends to do, runneth over with fantasy booking ideas and pitches for his slow reintroduction to the wrestling consciousness. While many would have pitched a run-in at AEW's debut PPV, none predicted it would have the impact it did.

Moxley, free of the baggage of Ambrose, sprung the celebrations of the main event to attack both Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega, tossing the latter from the top of the set. All of a sudden, everything was possible again, and there was hope for any under-utilised star in the industry. It'll not work out as well for the next wantaway WWE star, but thanks to Mox... it could.

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