10 Wrestling Moments That Made You Mark Out

2. The Streak

Okada Omega II Faint

Nothing in wrestling is as arbitrary and pointless as statistics. Applying the real sporting trope of leagues, records, championship reigns, win ratios etc, to a performance art that is predetermined is, when you really think about it, absolutely laughable. Your #fave is an X Times Champion for no other reason than that's how they wrote him. You're as well bragging that they have the nicest ring gear.

But still, The Streak meant something. That The Undertaker went through 21 WrestleManias without ever being bested became an intrinsic part of both his and the event itself's enduring appeal. How could he possibly keep that record going this year, what could his opponent do to possibly try and succeed where so many others had failed? There was a magic to it.

But then, Brock Lesnar.

The beast picked him up for a third F-5, dropped him on his head, and 3 seconds later that was it. The silence of the arena hung pregnant in the air as the crowd waited, mouths open, for a twist in the story. But none arrived. Only the eventual din of Lesnar's music and the image of 21-1 on the Superdome's screens.

That WWE had spent two decades making people invest in a pointless, made-up, irrelevant string of results was incredible. That they could end it to stunned silence, fans feeling like they had just lost something truly special, proves that "marking out" can be as much a measure of pain as it is joy.

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