10 Wrestling Moments You Didn’t Realise Inspired People To Become Wrestlers

4. Kevin Owens - WrestleMania XI

Eddie Mysterio Sasha

WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels is another performer who inspired countless individuals to give this wrasslin' thing a try, with names like Chris Jericho, Finn Bálor and Adam Cole all admitting to being massively influenced by the 'Heartbreak Kid'.

Another young whipper snapper who wanted to follow in 'Mr. WrestleMania's footsteps was future WWE star Kevin Owens, who was first introduced to this whacky form of entertainment when he was 11 years-old.

Speaking on the Chasing Glory with Lilian Garcia Podcast, Owens revealed that his father brought home a copy of WrestleMania XI on tape and he was instantly locked into 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith as 'he was a super-jacked guy who was doing all these incredible things'.

Yet, as soon as 'HBK' showed up to take on Diesel, a skinny young Owens knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life:

'People thought I was 7 or 8 even though I was 11 so when Shawn Michaels, the smallest guy on the show came out, who ended up being the best wrestler on the shows, I thought if he can do it I can too.'

'KO' would finally reach WWE in 2014 and has gone on to become NXT, Intercontinental, United States and Universal Champion. But, would he have ventured down the same path had his father decided against bringing home a copy the eleventh Show of Shows?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...