10 Wrestling Moves Let Down By Terrible Names

1. Butterface Maker

Impact Wrestling

Brooke Adams made a name for herself in TNA between 2010 and 2015, using the memorable name of Miss Tessmacher. During that time, she became a three-time TNA Knockouts Champion. However, towards the end of her stint, she rebranded herself and was known simply as Brooke. This repackaging would mostly prove to be a success, but her finisher would leave a lot of fans asking some really relevant questions.

The Sitout Facebuster was actually a really great finisher and looked awesome when executed, but for some reason, TNA decided to rename it the Butterface Maker. Yes, you read that right. While you can see the thought processes behind using the word butterface, given that its an old term that refers to a woman having an unattractive face and, well, the victim’s face hits the mat quite hard, it doesn't change the fact that the name itself is just bad. Pairing anything with the word "maker" isn't going to sound poetic, but this came across like the creative team were trying to sound edgy and instead produced something that just sounded stupid.

Instead of just using its actual perfectly vicious name, the Facebuster was given this awkward new name that sounded so awful (and sexist), it completely destroyed the mystique and sheer physicality of this otherwise great move.


What do you think is the worst name for a move in wrestling history? Tell us in the comment section below.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.