10 Wrestling Moves Let Down By Terrible Names

9. Zig Zag

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Over the years, Dolph Ziggler has won many major matches with a well-timed Zig Zag. The move has undoubtedly become a fan-favourite and he never fails to deliver it in a believable fashion. However, none of this changes the fact that it possesses one of the laziest finisher names in WWE history.

It just doesn't sound like an awful lot of time was spent thinking of a title for the move and seems more like somebody in the creative team just thought, "Zig Zag because Ziggler, get it? They sound the same, right? Yeah, let's roll with that."

Though we may have gotten used to it over time, Zig Zag is still a hilariously uninspired and on-the-nose name for Dolph's finisher that isn't even remotely relevant to the move itself.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.