10 Wrestling Moves Let Down By Terrible Names

7. Little Jimmy


R-Truth's conspiracy theory stint was easily his most entertaining run in the company. You can't deny that the sight of him running around looking for an invisible Little Jimmy wasn't a lot of fun. It gave him some well-earned spotlight and even garnered him a new finishing move. Unfortunately, that was where the creativity stopped.

Truth's jumping Reverse STO was quite a sight to behold, but its name, Little Jimmy, reeked of under-planning. It makes it seem like the creative team were so proud of the single great storyline they gave this underappreciated athlete that they just named the manoeuvre as a permanent reminder of the one thing they got right with him.

While other wrestlers have used unusual names for their finishers before, R-Truth's just doesn't work. Unlike Sister Abigail, Little Jimmy is not a mysterious name that refers to the source of his other-worldly powers. It's just a lazy way of reminding viewers that the character once had a main event push.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.